New Book Launch: February 19th, 2024

We stumbled, then caught ourself - and now we are back! Come and join us on this day of book celebration.

When we walked on Frozen Rivers

My first winter on our fly-in trapline in the Yukon

Frozen Rivers is another spellbinding memoir in Elisabeth Weigand’s YukonWild Series. In our times of pain and suffering, this series brings to the reader something beautifully positive. A life when lived with purpose and virtue can be long enough. Each chapter is steeped in the author’s love of wilderness, her desire for adventure and her familiar intimacy with the land. Weigand orients the reader to the merits of slowing down the pace of life and reflecting on the significance of the smallest of our decisions.

Frozen Rivers takes people to one of the purest places in Canada’s northern landscape: A distant fly-in trapline where Weigand and her partner spend the first of their winters understanding and exercising traditional life skills, adjusting to nature’s regulations and discovering the bliss of shared seclusion and the satisfaction when less is more. Her writing is evocative and poetic, humorous and informative, held together with atmospheric descriptions of the untamed heart of the Yukon Territory. A land that is bigger than us.

Big Book Presentation Event: Re-scheduled to February 19th, 2024
At the
same place & time: Whitehorse, Old Firehall  7-9pm.

  • Book Sales  & Book Signing
  • Readings and Slide Presentation from trapline.
  • Guests: haiku Poet kjmunro, First Yukon Laureate Michael Gates



From the Author

In this world of so much suffering, pain, and grief, I am lucky to provide something positive and, in my eyes, very beautiful. A piece of love, understanding, friendship, co-dependence, and appreciation of nature’s laws.

I gave myself, again, to learning and adjusting, exploring the unknown, and discovering what lies around the corner. This book does not consider itself as a justification of trapping, of killing animals for the sake of their fur. It does deal with this aspect as a means of describing an ancient lifestyle, such as hunting, gathering,
and living off the land.

With this memoir, I want to commemorate a remarkable time of my life, when I was allowed to live more simply, had the opportunity to learn ancient skills, and a time when I was profoundly tied to the land and the harvest on it.

May this work inspire you to see a fresh perspective, to recognize things on a different level, and to always be open to what was and how to improve what will be.

Elisabeth Maria Weigand


Book Launch in Whitehorse

Historic Old Fire Hall

November 29th, 7-9 pm

        • Meet the Author
        • Readings and Sales
        • Book Signing
        • Poetry by kjmunro